As you may wonder why the project does not progress by theses days, I should reassure you : gpadvance is not dead.
Nevertheless, I am very busy for the moment and I do not have enough time to resume.
All I can tell you is that you should not expect a Christmas release :( enf65 14th December 2004
School project report available
As you may know, GPAdvance has become a school project. Here is the School report for it. It contains a general presentation, as well as an architecture overview. It is worth reading it, if you want to understand better how it works. Unfortunately (for most of you), it's in French :) Torlus, enf65 21th October 2004
Site update
OK, the site has been cleaned up a bit, as much of its contents was no more accurate.
There's about one daily update of GPAdvance, so it will be difficult to keep eveything up-to-date here. Fortunately, news sites are doing an excellent job, and many people are testing demos and games.
Check the Downloads section for a link to the CVS repository, where you can find last versions. We are trying to commit only "stable" versions of the FXE, but as we don't test everything, you might encounter some issues :) Fortunately with CVS you can get a previous version.
Well it's been some time since the last site update. But don't believe that the project isn't active.
Project is now hosted on sourceforge, and has 3 members. ThunderZ, a well-known programmer on GP32 scene, and me, Torlus, more experienced with GBA.
We found out that we could use large parts of VisualBoyAdvance emulator, what we did. The most visible consequence for GPAdvance is that now, all graphic modes and their features are supported.
As the project encounters many changes, the "Download" section will certainly not be updated often, for the moment. The best thing to do in order to see how the project's going, is to browse the CVS where you'll be able to find the most up-to-date FXE, and some freeware/public domain demos working more or less :)
enf65 is pretty busy with the project itself. I'll try for my part to keep the site up-to-date. I'll do more sites updates in the next weeks. You can also check,'s forums (French) and (English) forums, as we may post here new information too.
Sources are finally online. Sorry for the delay, I was not at home last week (I participated at a robotic contest).
You can find them in the download section.
I decided to use Mr Mirko's SDK. The conversion should not be long since GP Advance does not use a lot of SDK functions.
I also noticed a small problem with IRQs that I have to solve. If I do not find a solution, some roms will have to be patched (it is still a solution, but not a beautiful one...)
I reached to remove popups, but I advice you to refresh the page since your browser could display an old one.
I solved this small problem, so you won't have to do it later.
Non, non, vous ne vous êtes pas trompé de site, adieu l'ancienne page bleue, faites place au nouveau site !
Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les news de cet émulateur sur cette page.
Rq : le site est encore en construction et va rapidement passer en anglais.
Attention : il s'agit de la même version qui était sur mon ancienne page bleue.
Voici une toute première version, elle devrait marcher sur les gp32 avec le firmware anglais.
La quasi-totalité des roms doivent être patchée avant d'être envoyées dans la console.
Les roms présentes avec l'émulateur sont des roms libres qui fonctionnent avec l'émulateur.
GP Advance ne marche pas avec Geepee32 car ce dernier ne supporte pas les translations d'adresses
Le fichier .fxe avec quelques demos :
Si vous voulez essayer d'autres roms, vous devez d'abord les patcher avec le programme "rom_converter.exe" qui est très basique (ligne de commande, aucune option...). Essayez les roms patchée avec un vrai émulateur ou une vrai GameBoy pour voir si elles marchent encore après. Alors PEUT-ETRE qu'elles marcheront avec GP Advance.
Le programme pour patcher les roms :
- pas de son
- roms limitées à 4 Mo
- roms zippées
- aucun SWI
- modes vidéos 1 et 2
- timers
- link
- plein écran
- plein d'autres trucs...